An outstanding purposely-built centre

Our nursery facilities in Dubai have been purposely designed by a team of experienced educationalists, architects and interior designers; the team took into account the latest research in early years setting designing; all our spaces, outdoors and indoors, were carefully planned with the developing needs of children and the UAE’s unique environment in mind.

Reconnecting with nature

In line with Dubai’s ambition of becoming one of the most sustainable cities in the world, Future International Nursery embarks on a journey towards a more sustainable future…A future that will be built by our children. Moving towards the goal of sustainability requires fundamental changes in human attitudes and behaviour. We believe that as en Early Years education provider, we can play an essential role.

Our purposely-built facilities empower children to engage with nature, in a safe and nurturing environment.

The following features ensure children have endless opportunities to interact with natural resources, develop a sense of wonder and a deep understanding of our collective responsibility towards all living things:

  • Forest space and water stream
  • Green discovery centre
  • Organic planting areas with direct access from each class
  • Sand and water areas
  • Mud kitchens
  • Water park, with splash pool and swimming pool

A growing body of research shows that a connection to the natural world is fundamental to all aspects of child development: unstructured outdoor play has holistic benefits for children and helps them build optimal mental, emotional, social and physical health.

‘We must take the opportunities in the early years to foster intimate, meaningful and positive connections with the natural environment, if we want the next generation to create a sustainable future’.

‘If we want children to flourish, to become truly empowered, let us allow them to love the earth before we ask them to save it.’

David Sobel, American education writer

Young children thrive and their minds and bodies develop best when they have free access to stimulating outdoor provision for learning through play and real experiences.

White, J. ‘Outdoor Provision in the Early Years’, 2011.

Outdoors Facilities

Future International Nursery facilities are not just ‘green’: every single space, indoors and outdoors, has been carefully planned so that the premises themselves participate in the educative process: the environment becomes the ‘third teacher’ to enable children to maximise their physical, cognitive, emotional and social development.

We make sure children spend regular learning time outdoors as it enhances their emotional contentment, physical health, and intellectual development.

Our facilities take into account the different activity zones identified by current research to enable children to have multiple experiences and develop in all areas of learning.

Each classroom opens directly to its own outdoor play area.

Apart from the previously mentioned outdoor spaces, we also proudly offer:

  • A riding track where children can develop their coordination and gross motor skills
  • Multiple climbing, sliding and swinging equipment, for locomotor play where children can balance, swing, slide, climb and crawl.
  • An open space for ball games and running to develop stamina and dexterity
  • Sensory zones for the stimulation of the different senses
  • Imaginative areas, where children are free to work on a larger scale than indoors for painting, drawing, sculpting, constructing and model-making
  • A quiet area for storytelling, small group activities, role play activities, etc.
  • A water park, with its splashing pool and swimming pool, where children discover the endless possibilities of water play.

Indoors Facilities

Every child is unique and has their own personality, interests and strengths: one enjoys

drawing and painting while the other one will learn better through three-dimensional activity. One is quiet and prefers storytelling in a quiet and cosy space, while the other needs thinking aloud in the role play area. We planned our indoor space with the uniqueness of each child in mind.

Our indoor spaces include:

  • well lit spacious classrooms with direct opening on the outdoor play areas
  • a sensory room with interactive flooring,
  • a gymnasium with soft play equipment,
  • a ‘Future Street’ – our indoor role play area,
  • a huge construction area that enables children to build child-sized structures,
  • An auditorium
  • Creative and messy areas in each classroom
  • Quiet and reading corners for each age group
  • A child friendly kitchen

All our age appropriate learning areas are equipped with a range of learning tools and play equipment that stimulate the development of our children.

Special Baby Unit

Our baby unit provides a safe and nurturing environment for our little ones: The whole unit has been carefully planned to address the different needs of babies and infants, at this crucial stage of their development.

The unit includes:

  • Its own sleeping area, equipped with the award winning SnuzPod cots.
  • Its own feeding area, with a fully equipped pantry
  • A dedicated breastfeeding station
  • A natural lit spacious room, with different areas for a variety of activities
  • Two different baby gyms, corresponding to the needs of different stages of development.
  • Its own outdoor play area, directly accessible from the baby unit.

The unit is fully equipped with educational toys and resources that have been carefully selected for their safety and their potential to enhance and enrich the learning experience of our babies.

We are a baby friendly centre and value breastfeeding. We offer facilities for mothers who want to breastfeed and we give them the support they require.

Classroom Spaces

All our classrooms are spacious and carefully designed as flexible learning spaces. They are equipped with age-appropriate materials and resources that encourage exploration, creativity, and critical thinking. The layout supports children in making choices and developing independence.

Each class opens onto their own outdoor play area.

Each class is equipped with:

  • Sensory zones, with a variety of sensory trays.
  • Spaces for construction and imagination: children are given resources for building dens, tents, painting on a large scale, vertically and horizontally, and building large structures.
  • Quiet areas, where children can spend time in a calm environment if they feel overwhelmed or want to spend time away from the other children.
  • Reading corners, where children can explore books and print.
    Each class has their own bathroom facilities.

Shared Spaces

In addition, to enrich children’s environment, we ensure that learning opportunities are not confined to classrooms and have incorporated engaging ‘shared spaces’ that children have access to on a daily basis:

  • A large multipurpose hall with a stage and full audio-visual facilities
  • An indoor role-play area, with a restaurant, clinic, fire station and newsroom.
  • A construction area for large structures.
  • An indoor soft gym with a ball pool, obstacle courses, and zipline.
  • A sensory room with endless possibilities for sound and light stimulations.
  • A well equipped kitchen in which children can have meals and also cooking activities.

FIN has a dedicated clinic with a licensed nurse.